Experience superior sleep consulting  for your child by a certified specialist

— and gain a customized plan for your family, the thrill of success, & the serenity of sleeping through the night.

toddler child sleep help consultant

Add-Ons for this Package:

  • Additional Child: $150
  • Additional week(s) support via text/email: $50

 Toddler Consultations beginning at $350

For children 18 months and up.    The Toddler consultation tackles everything from poor napping to frequent night wakings, early rising before 6am, night weaning to unwanted co-sleeping, even soothing your child without being rocked/walked to sleep.  We also cover crib/room transitions, age-appropriate schedules & effective night time routines, those dreaded sleep regressions, Wonder Weeks, nightmares/night terrors, bedtime battles, and getting your toddler to stay in his room (and bed!) all night.  We believe that positive reinforcement, logical consequences and various sleep coaching methods and techniques will help your little one learn to love their environment AND sleep!  This package includes a 2-hour consultation and a two-week follow-up of support where we will:

o    Review your client history form in detail and get to know one another!

o    Go over your Eat & Sleep diary from the past week (if applicable)

o    Review current sleep environment and decide on a favorable area that everyone is comfortable with

o    Multiple tips on techniques to lengthen naps and night sleep

o    Discuss age-appropriate daily routines/schedules

o    Decide on a sleep plan that fits within your values and child’s temperament that will encourage lengthened nighttime sleep based on neurological, biological & behavioral factors

 By the end of our consultation, you will be prepared to implement your custom Sleep Plan, while being completely comfortable with the techniques for assisting & coaching your child to sleep to put themselves to sleep at bed/naptime, and back to sleep during any night wakings or sleep regressions!

o    Additional weeks of support & Maintenance package (4 phone calls/emails) over one year included at additional cost

portland oregon sleep consultant help

Mini Packages

Troubleshoot with Me: $150

For children 0-6 years old.  For clients interested in one area of assistance regarding sleep (new residence/vacation sleep, daycare sleep, sleep regression help, new sibling, etc.) with a child that sleeps fairly well already at night/naps who has developed a minor sleep issue You will receive a verbal sleep action plan, however no support is included. This package is available as a 30-minute phone call with one follow up email..

 Maintenance Package: $100

Available to all clients after services rendered that includes FOUR follow up emails over the course of one-year at their choosing.

Hourly Rate $150

If needed in addendum to any packages above.