Monthly Must Haves: Halloween Pajamas for Baby & Toddlers

Monthly Must Haves: Halloween Pajamas for Baby & Toddlers

This month I'm sharing my favorite Halloween pajamas finds, I'm simply obsessed with the holiday!  My daughter Elle was born in October, and I couldn't help myself but dress her immediately in all the Halloween baby apparel I could find...and thus the cycle & trend continues (the black cat part AND the giving away all my money to scoop it all up).  My son is always a sucker for matching pajamas as well, so I have a cute option for him as well if you match your kids like I do!

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WHEN to Expect Your Baby To: Sleep Through the Night, Drop the Swaddle, Night Wean and More!

WHEN to Expect Your Baby To: Sleep Through the Night, Drop the Swaddle, Night Wean and More!

“When can my baby sleep through the night?   When can I stop swaddling? and “ When can I drop the dream feed?” are some of the first questions as a Mom that I found asking myself (and Googling for hours).  With so much conflicting information and advice from my friends and the Internet, I decided to really dedicate myself to learning as much about infant sleep as possible. Knowing what to expect and about WHEN to expect it made me feel just a little less crazy in the Motherhood department!  Let’s take a peek at the sleep milestones for the first year......

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