"Sleep when the Baby Sleeps" is easier said than done.....

Sleep & the City helps prepare parents prior to birth for the "What Now?" after baby arrives, from schedules to feedings to napping to sleeping all night again as soon as possible.  We want to make parenting easier, and by learning what you can do to help your baby sleep when they arrive will have everyone snoozing through the night again.

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

Add-Ons for this Package:

  •  In-home visit $200
  •  Nursery Personal Shopping $50

 Pre Baby "Starter" Consultation  $250

For pregnant women & families.  This over-the-phone or in-person consultation will help prepare your family prior to meeting your little one for the first time.  We will talk about what to expect (the REAL version, not the book version!) when it comes to sleep, wake windows, feeding schedules, night wakings, and how to switch your newborn's internal clock from night to day to achieve sleeping through the night as early as possible.  This package is perfect for those families looking to establish healthy sleep habits immediately, and includes the no-cry sleep approach to naps and bedtime without sleep training. This package includes a 2-hour phone call where we will:

o    Talk about the easy steps you can take upon arrival of baby to begin establishing good sleep hygiene

o    Multiple tips on swaddling, napping, and schedules to help keep baby happy all day

o    Product suggestions to help baby sleep as long as possible at night and during naps

o    Discuss ways to switch baby from "night to day" within weeks (vs. months otherwise!)

o    Review the sleeping areas you wish baby to sleep in, as well as ideas on where is best for your baby

o    Discuss new routines to prep your baby's body & brain for sleep

o    Give multiple tips on pacifiers, sleep regressions, baby wearing, & breast (or bottle) feeding

o    Maintenance package (4 phone calls/emails) over one year included at additional cost

Pre Baby "Deluxe" Consultation  $400

o    Provides deluxe client with a THREE YEARS of schedules with a preferred wakeup & bedtime

o    Maintenance package INCLUDED (4 checkins to ask questions or troubleshoot over one year

o    Special New Mama gift bag shipped to you for free (valued at $75)

o    All items included in Premier Consultation Package

Pre Baby "Platinum" Consultation  $1000

o    (6) Check-in's with Founder Lauren Olson for the first six months of baby's life to talk about changes, challenges, and upcoming schedule/nap/regression changes

o    All FIVE of "Sleep Must Haves" listed on website for sleep perfection including a Dock a Tot Deluxe, Ollie World baby swaddle, Hatch Nursery White Noise Machine, Little Unicorn Security Blankets & Custom Black Out Window Cover included & shipped to your house included (yes you can choose your colors!)

o    All items included in Premier & Deluxe Consultation Package

Micro Packages

Troubleshoot with Me: $150

For clients interested in one area of assistance regarding pregancy sleep (eco-friendly advice, product selection, nutrition ideas, etc) .  This package is available as a 30-minute phone call or by email- you will only be charged for the descriptive answer we give you and receive one-follow up email to use at your discretion. 

 Maintenance Package: $100

Available to all clients after services rendered that includes FOUR follow up emails over the course of one-year at their choosing.

Hourly Rate $100

If needed in addendum to any packages above.